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Halifax, NS, Canada, B3L 2C2

Focal Research Welcomes Jay Robinson


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For Immediate Release


Halifax, NS: June 21st, 2022 Focal Research Consultants Limited announced today that Jay (Janine) Robinson, industry leader in responsible gambling training, policy and programming innovation is joining the Focal team as Director of Safer Gambling and Stakeholder Engagement.

Jay is recognized as a leader in the field of preventing gambling harms and has deep subject matter expertise in bringing research to life through innovative programming. Complementing their own independent international consultancy work on prevention, policy and programming, Jay will support Focal by acting as a brand ambassador at conferences and industry events around the world.

“I am excited to be working with the Focal team. Combining my insights and experience in international RG training, prevention and treatment with Focal’s extensive gambling research, data analysis and modelling expertise, I think the sum may be greater than the parts. Together, our combined talents will support stakeholders interested in safer gambling and reducing and addressing gambling-related harms.”

An accomplished specialist and visionary, in their previous roles with the Responsible Gambling Council of Canada (RGC) and The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Jay was instrumental in identifying and promoting practices in responsible gambling, encompassing all stakeholder perspectives as well as developing and facilitating programs supporting the treatment of problem gambling.

President of Focal Research, Tracy Schrans, says, “We are excited to have someone of Jay’s calibre joining Focal at such an important juncture in our company’s history. They will be able to further enhance our onboarding and support services and engage with stakeholders to build and promote key relationships. We couldn’t be happier to welcome them to the team.”


About Focal Research Consultants Limited:

Focal Research, is a Canadian data analytics company, that uses data science and information technology for social policy, corporate social responsibility, and consumer protection purposes. For three decades, Focal has worked with stakeholders worldwide, setting responsible gambling standards for player protection with international recognition in developing algorithms to help operators identify and assist at-risk gamblers.

For more information:

Laura Watts
Communications & Project Management
(T) +1 902-454-8856

Click here to download the press release 

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