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Healthy Bottom Line Player Resources

Safer (Responsible) Gambling Materials

Providing players with insight into gambling risk and harms to help them manage their gambling.

With our Healthy Bottom Line player resources, we recognize the importance of equipping players with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions and safeguard their gambling experience. Our Safer Gambling Materials (Responsible Gambling Materials) are designed for customers, providing insights into gambling risks and harms, while signposting those with risky play patterns that could lead to long-term issues to the appropriate support services.

Healthy Bottom Line Player Resources

Key Benefits

Healthy Bottom Line Player Resources help support your players to make safer choices and manage their safer gambling experience. Unlock the potential of responsible gaming today. Your players deserve the best, and so do you.

Access to Safer Gambling Materials (Responsible Gambling Materials) for Informed Choices
Comprehensive Safer Gambling Solutions for Safer Play
Effective Safer Gambling Tools for Proactive Risk Management
Promotion of Safer Gaming Practices
Support for Informed Decision-Making
Customized Resources Tailored for Operators
Healthy Bottom Line Player Resources

Comprehensive Support

Healthy Bottom Line resources are integral components of ALeRT’s BETTOR Customer Care Program. The multi-level program design guarantees that individuals at any stage of their gambling journey have access to practical materials and strategies for effective gambling management.

Our brochures serve as valuable resources for engaging with players at different levels of gambling involvement, offering:

Awareness and education: Addressing gambling myths.
Practical Guidelines: Offering strategies for safer gambling.
Self-Assessment Resources: Encouraging players to evaluate their gambling habits.
Referrals for Assistance: Providing guidance for self or others in need.
Healthy Bottom Line Player Resources

Customized Resources for Customers

Our commitment to tailored solutions ensures that the information provided is relevant and engaging for your customers. We offer a diverse selection of customizable brochures, each uniquely branded to meet the specific needs of operators. These brochures are available in digital formats, making them accessible to a wide audience.

What Our Clients Have to Say

More Safer Gambling Solutions

Presentations, Publications, & Research

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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