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A Look Back at the 14th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues

Tracy Schrans

Tracy Schrans

Principal, President, Focal Research Consultants Limited

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Dr. Melissa Salmon

Dr. Melissa Salmon

Applied Research Lead, Focal Research Consultants Limited

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In the dynamic world of gambling, understanding player behavior is crucial for creating safer experiences. Two intriguing aspects of this were explored by Focal at this years EASG conference. These insights delve into the optimal moments for player interaction and the financial motivations driving extended gameplay, offering valuable perspectives for operators and regulators.

Sept 12th, 2024 – It’s All About the Money: Decoding Why Players Engage in Long Sessions Without Breaks

Pictured above: Tracy Schrans (Focal Research)

Tracy, Focal’s President, presented new research that offered evidence to challenge existing research on time thresholds and best practices for player protection using real-world behavioural data.

Sept 13th, 2024 – Is There a ‘Right Time’ to Interact with Players Based on How Long They Play?

Pictured above: Dr. Melissa Salmon (Focal Research)

Melissa, Focal’s Applied Research Lead, explored the effectiveness of time-based thresholds for identifying and supporting those experiencing gambling-related harm.

While at the conference the Focal team also met up with Gerhard Meyer, an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Bremen, Germany.

Tracy had this to say about Gerhard, “Gerhard Meyer is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Bremen, Germany. We have been working in parallel over the past 30 years to elevate gambling measurement and applied research to address the risk potential of different gambling types. I for one will miss his steady presence, unwavering dedication to mitigating gambling harm as he moves into life after research. Thank you, Gerhard, for your collegiality and good work over the years and best wishes to Tobias Hayer and the team at Bremen University. We remain a fan and thank you for your contributions to this field.” 

Thank you again to EASG for inviting us to share our research and to participate in important conversations on safer gambling that will assist with player protection worldwide.

About the EASG

The European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues conference is one of the largest and most respected conferences in Europe. Top researchers, policymakers and industry experts from all over the world come to present their thoughts and ideas. It was estimated that 350 experts from 40 countries attended this year’s event in Rome.

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