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Recap of ICE London 2023

The Focal team had a wonderful time at ICE. It was great to see familiar faces, meet with key stakeholders, and participate in panel discussions to advance the conversation on safer gambling and player protection.

A big thank you to Clarion Gaming and everyone we met with in London. Here is a look back at the week.

N1-CP2 Booth in the Consumer Protection Zone

The Focal team spreading the word about ALeRT™ BETTOR Protection and our Safer Gambling Solutions.

Left to right –Director of Safer Gambling and Stakeholder Engagement, Jay Robinson and Chief Administrator and Privacy Officer, Bill Wiggins and Principal and President, Tracy Schrans.

Jay Moderates the Lived Experience Panel & Speaks on Human Vs. Tech Panel

The first panel took place on February 7th and focused on gambling harm and the impact of lived experience on safer gambling policy. Jay was joined by Matt Smith (Betknowmore), Barrie Mitchell (Gamcare) and Niall O’Connor (YGAM).

Jay also took part in a panel on February 8th discussing the focus on human vs technology in player education, engagement, and interaction at various stages of play – looking at the effectiveness of the measures implemented and how each is important in reducing gambling risk and harm.

The panel was moderated by Paul Foster (Crucial Compliance), and Jay was joined by Pedro Romero (Betblocker), and Chris Conroy (Future Anthem).

Tracy Speaks on Integration of Player Analytics Tools with Operator's Customer Data

On February 9th, Tracy shared how Focal’s ALeRT™ BETTOR Protection System is a proven data-driven player analytics tool that uses various models to help operators actively prevent harm. She also touched on Focal’s Affordability Model and how this model benefits operators and regulators, filling an essential gap in player protection.

Joining Tracy on the panel was Rasmus Kjaergaard (Mindway AI), Melissa Salmon (Responsible Gaming Council) and Adrian Sladdin (Seventhwave) moderated.

About ICE

ICE London is a leading international global gaming event that runs every February and brings together solution providers and gaming professionals across all key verticals.

This year’s conference was held at ExCel London, hosting attendees from 68 countries with over 600 exhibitors and an estimated 36,000 people attending the 3-day event.

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