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For Immediate Release

Focal Welcomes Linda Woo as Australasian Advisor

Halifax, NS: June 7th, 2024

Focal Research Consultants welcomes Linda Woo to Focal as a Senior Advisor for our safer gambling activities across Australasia.   Linda brings extensive experience in senior leader roles, providing strategic policy advice to multiple gambling sector stakeholders, including Ministers and chief executives, consumer and not-for profit policymakers.

President of Focal Research, Tracy Schrans, said, “We would like to extend a warm welcome to Linda. Linda’s extensive experience in the regulatory sector including consumer affairs, fair trading, not-for-profit, gambling and liquor, coupled with her development and implementation of many of the current player protection and harm minimisation requirements in Queensland and other jurisdictions makes her a wonderful addition. She will greatly assist us in our development of impactful safer gambling research and products as well as advise us on current regulatory policies and best practices so that we may remain agile and responsive to stakeholder needs.”

“I am looking forward to working with the Focal team in an advisory capacity. I am thoroughly impressed with their body of research and safer gambling products and am keen to see how I can contribute to their goal of making gambling safer while also taking into consideration sustainability for operators as well as regulatory frameworks, polices and best practices,” said Woo. 

About Focal Research Consultants Limited:

Focal Research, is an award-winning Canadian data analytics company that uses data science and information technology for social policy, corporate social responsibility, and consumer protection purposes. Focal has worked with stakeholders worldwide for three decades, setting responsible gambling standards for player protection with international recognition in developing algorithms to help operators identify and assist at-risk gamblers.

About ALeRT BETTOR Protection:

ALeRT is a data-driven prevention tool for finding and assisting at-risk gamblers. It is deployed in 400+ gambling venues worldwide and has been actively used for player protection since 2021. Over the past three years, hundreds of thousands of safer gambling interactions have been delivered for gambling providers in AU, NZ, and the UK with measurable impacts in supporting sustainable gambling.

For more information:

Laura Watts
Communications & Project Management
(T) +1 902-454-8856

Click here to download the press release 

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