Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the ALeRT GO FAQ. Click on any of the following questions to expand the answer. 

Players & POIs

Toggle the POIs Only switch to the off position (grey) to see all player regardless of their POI status.

Toggle the POI Only switch to the on position (blue) to filter for POIs only.



Tap the magnifying glass icon in the top right to reveal a player search.

You can search by Player ID, first and last name. To clear a search simply tap the X button beside the search field.

Tap the filter icon in the top right to reveal the available player filters.

Select the filters of choice and tap apply (at the bottom). The player list will be refreshed to only show players matching your criteria. To clear the filter, tap the filter icon again and tap the Reset button (at the bottom).

Tap the sort icon in the upper right to reveal the available sort options.

Select a sort and order and tap apply (at the bottom). The player list order will be refreshed in the background. To clear the sort order, tap the sort icon again and tap the Reset button (at the bottom).

Tap a player block to reveal a detailed player summary.

Play triggers may also be seen here (for POIs only).

Interactions & Observations

You have two options. 1) Tap a player block on the Players screen

and tap the “Interact” button (at the bottom).

2) Tap the on any screen and fill in the Player ID FAB button

The player ID will be validated as you enter it.

In the interactions screen (click Interactions at the bottom),

Toggle the My Interactions switch (upper left) to the on position to see only your interactions.

Tap the magnifying glass icon in the top right to reveal an interaction search.

You can search by Reference number or Player ID.

To clear a search simply tap the X button beside the search field.

Tap an interaction block and make the necessary adjustments,

then tap one of the save buttons to save your adjustments.

Tap the filter icon in the top right to reveal the available interaction filters.

Toggle the Needs follow-up switch to the on position and tap apply.

To clear the filter, tap the filter icon again

and tap the Reset button.

Tap the filter icon in the top right to reveal the available interaction filters.

Select the filters of choice and tap apply.

The interaction list will be refreshed to only show interactions matching your criteria. To clear the filter, tap the filter icon again.

and tap the Reset button.

Tap the sort icon  in the upper right to reveal the available sort options.

Select a sort and order and tap apply.

The interaction list order will be refreshed in the background. To clear the sort order, tap the sort icon again

and tap the Reset button.

ALeRT GO and the ALeRT Dashboard both interface with the same ALeRT system. Information added in either system is available to both systems in real time, there is no delay.

Interaction Targets

Under the Targets screen, if the gauge handle is positioned all the way to the right and the gauge is green, then you have met your current target.

Otherwise, below the gauge you will see how many interactions you have remaining to conduct to meet your current target.


Yes, below your target gauge you can see how you did in previous periods.

Yes, simply tap the star icon in the top right corner of that venue’s target block to save it to your favorites.

You can then toggle the Favorites switch to the on position  to see only your favorite venue(s).

Yes, simply tap the filter or sort icons  in the top right to select specific criteria.

Click the Apply button to apply the filters, or sort, or click Reset to reset them to the defaults.


These are the same notifications you would find in the ALeRT Dashboard. These include system notifications such as monthly data updates, manager alerts and updates on case files and interactions that you may be involved in.

It sounds like you must have the New Message toggle switch turned on to only display new messages. The moment you view a new message it is considered read and is removed from the new message list.

To find it again, simply set the New Message toggle switch to the off position  to see all message (new and read).


Absolutely! Simply click the Delete button when viewing a message to permanently remove the message.

Device Usage and Preferences

If sharing devices, before ending your shift, ensure you click your username  displayed in the top right corner of the app

to open the user profile screen. From here you can choose to Switch User (if the other employee is ready and waiting to login) or choose Logout to end your session. The next employee can log back in at a later time.


Yes, simply tap the three-dot icon in the upper right corner

to reveal the Settings option.

Tap Settings and from there select the desired home screen beside the home icon (the third option).

You will now immediately be shown that screen each time you reopen the app.

Yes, simply tap the three-dot icon in the upper right corner to reveal the Settings option.

Tap Settings

and from there select the Dark Theme under the first option.

The app will now always use the dark theme. You can also select Light Theme if you want to use the light theme in all situations, or you can select System Theme and the theme of the app will be adjusted based on your device settings.


Look for the blue question mark in the bottom left of each screen. Tap that icon to open a legend that defines every icon used on the current screen (different variations are present for Players, Interactions, Targets and Messages tabs).

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